The point of TA is for a greater impact of individual skill over team coordination.
In HA, you can get away with running a build that generally doesn't require much Field awareness or skill just so long as your team build is decent and you understand what needs to be done on all the maps.
Not so in TA. You actually have to be good at running your build in TA if you hope to get 25+ win streaks. Why? because it is 4v4. In 8v8 you have someone else to fill your role to some degree when you mess up. In 4v4 if you dick up everyone will notice. Also, don't blame the format for it going through degenerate metas. Blame anet for being retarded and slow when it comes to fixing them.
The only thing making it 6v6 would do is make it more retard friendly. Plus, 6v6 encourages overly defensive builds due to it being too big for 1 monk but to small for 2, so most teams simply pick 2 and go Lameway since they would rather let a match last forever instead of die instantly.
Last edited by Master Ketsu; Aug 05, 2009 at 06:08 AM // 06:08..